Learn Arabic is for
everyone wishing to learn Arabic. It has taken
its founder more than three years of diligent
work and quality time to single handedly develop
the website from its concept to designing, to
coding, to content development, to the final
I have passionately
dedicated my time and efforts to help you, our
learners, develop the much needed communication
skills in Arabic through creating an interactive
and experiential learning platform that is
freely-accessible to everyone via our website
and Facebook page. In doing so, my intention is
to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity
to learn Arabic through accessing our carefully
developed learning materials - anytime,
At LearnArabic, it
is our top priority to ensure the protection of
our intellectual property (IP) rights from any
potential infringements. As you can notice on
our infographics and learning materials, there
is a right statement alongside each lesson that
restricts its use out of its intended contexts.
In other words, “using, copying, reproducing the
lessons of LearnArabic website and its
Facebook page
for any purposes other than personal development
and non-commercial use are strictly prohibited
in any or, by any means”.
However, you are
still permitted to share the lessons on your
Facebook page or any other social media
platforms as long as your use is non-commercial.
Moreover, we encourage you to do so if you enjoy
our posts, and think that your friends will also
be interested to see these posts.