Getting Started with Learning Arabic
page outlines the key functionalities and
information structure of LearnArabic website. It
explains how you can use the website effectively
and in a meaningful manner. One of the key
features of LearnArabic is its usability
features that make the website easy and
intuitive to browse. Before you start exploring
the website, examine the figures featured in the
page to get a better picture how the website's
information is organised to enjoy a seamless
browsing experience. Check out the page for further
learning.. |
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Identifying Arabic Alphabets
page aims to help beginners with no prior Arabic
language knowledge to identify and read Arabic
letters. It features all 28 Arabic alphabets,
their variant forms, and the most common words
and phrases associated with these letters.
Examples are taken from our surroundings with
the relevant character clearly highlighted to
enable learners identify Arabic alphabets easily
and at the same time get familiar with basic
words and phrases used in daily conversations.
Check out the
page for further learning.. |
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Meeting & Greeting in Arabic
page explains how to ask someone about how they
feel now or "How are you", its alternative
questions and their respective replies. The
expressions used in this page help you to start
a conversation with someone in a friendly
manner. It includes different ways to greet
someone, ask about their health, family and
expressions to reciprocate the greetings. We
have also included extended versions of
greetings which is common to Arabic culture.. Check out the page for further
learning.. |
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Saying Thank You in Arabic
page explains how to express your gratitude and
say "Thank you" to someone who has done a favour
for you. Use these expressions to show
appreciation and to return kindness to others.
You will also find here expressions that you can
use to accept someone’s offer to help you.
Additionally, the page includes expressions used
in religious contexts such as thanking God for
His blessings or expressing relief at the
passing of an unpleasant event. Check out the page for further
learning.. |
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Saying Sorry in Arabic
page explains how to apologize and say "Sorry"
to someone for an inconvenience caused or
mistake made. Find expressions that allow you to
show your regret for a wrongdoing or to admit
your past mistakes. The page also includes
useful words and expressions to show your
disability to do something or to ask for further
clarification on a point you didn’t understand
with politeness. Additionally, you can find here
common replies to accept someone’s apology. Check out the page for further
learning.. |
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